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Common questions - junior league

What age should a player start playing Fastball?

We have a wide range of players that have started at various ages in the Hustlers.  Some players start off in the Learn to Play program and continue into the Junior League.  Some of the players move from playing baseball into fastball.  And we have a number of players that start playing for the first time in U11, U13 and even U15 and excel and love the game.  The Zone’s focus is on player development and the players having fun!

Are tryouts mandatory?

No.  The Hustlers encourage all players to attend tryouts regardless if they want to play A level, as it is a good experience for the player and can benefit them in future tryouts.   A player can attend tryouts and opt to play B, it is their choice.  If the player has logistics problems with the tryout date, they are encouraged to contact the Commissioner to look at an alternate date.   Any player that registers after the date of tryouts will play on a B team.

How long is the Season?   

- A Team evaluations are held at the beginning of February.  The A Teams are determined by mid-March and the B Teams by the end of March.   Teams will have their first practices indoors after formation.
- League play starts the week of May 5th and ends near the end of June with the City League Championship tournament.   Rainouts could drag the playoffs into July.
- Each Team will play 14 league games, usually 2 per week. During the season they will play 2  doubleheaders to increase practice time.  Teams will also have a dedicated practice time each week.
- Provincial Tournaments are held the first three weekends in July depending on age group.  All Division A  teams attend Provincials, B teams have the option.  
- Division A and B Teams are finished their seasons after Provincials with the exception of teams who qualify for National or Western Canadian Championships. These Championships are held early August.

What time do games begin?

All league games start at 6:30 p.m. for Junior League teams.  Coaches require players to arrive for pre-game warm up anywhere from ½ hour to 1 hour before start time. This will be decided at the start of the season by your coach.  Doubleheaders may start at 6:00 p.m.

Do Teams Practice?

Each team will have scheduled practices both before and during the season.  It is crucial for player development that the player attends all practices.  It is also important that the player attends the pre-game warm up, as it acts as additional practice time.

Who sets up/tears down the ball diamond?

As the home team, parents are expected to set up the diamond. The Manager sets out a schedule at the beginning of the season to cover off these duties (please do not include your coaching staff in this; they are already volunteering 3-4 hours that day).  If you are not aware of what is involved, just ask one of the coaches or show up early for one of the prior games and help the assigned parent with the duties to learn.

When do games end?

Early to mid-May has an 8:45 p.m. curfew.  As the days get longer, the curfew is extended to 9:00 p.m. There is no new inning started after curfew time. Games are max. 7 innings and may be subjected to a mercy rule.

Who is the scorekeeper?

Home team will keep score.  Similar to diamond duties, the manager sets out a schedule at the beginning of the season. It should not be the responsibility of the same individual each game. It’s easy to learn, just ask a coach or parent that has done it before.

Who is the Umpire?

There has been an umpire shortage for the past several years which has resulted in only the A Teams being allocated umpires.   B Teams managers may seek out parents to umpire games.  This is one of the reasons why the B player receive a $50 registration refund towards the Team fees.  The Umpire supply is slowly increasing so we may have more allocated umpires for B games in 2025.  We strongly encourage any parents and youths that are  interested  in Umpiring to take the course that is offered within the city in early spring.  Please reach out to the Executive to learn more about becoming an umpire.

What if it Rains?

SMSL, and sometimes the Coach, will determine in advance  if the game is to be cancelled due to rain or low temperatures.  The communication will take place via the TeamLinkt App.   Teams are to reschedule all cancelled games.  This will sometimes result in a doubleheader being played, which will be 5 inning games.

What if I occasionally have logistical problems getting my player to and from games/practices?

The Zones are set up that most players will be less than 5 minutes from another player.    Home games and practices are usually on diamonds within the Zone, which are easy to get to.   If a player needs a ride to or from a game/practice , just ask on the TeamLinkt App chat for help in advance.  If the Coach holds a Team meeting at the start of the year, all parents are strongly encourged to attend as a a way of getting to know each other and build comfort.

I am thinking about Coaching, what support does the Zone provide?
Every year we welcome new coaches into the zone, which we need to ensure the players develop and enjoy the game.  The Zone has a number of ways it provides support to new and current coaches.  We host coaches corner meetings throughout the year, where the Player/Coacher Development Coordinator goes over a number of drills, strategy and tips on how to engage players and make the game fun.  The Zone will also put on clinics closer to the start of the season for coaches.  The Zone reimburses coaches for all clinics they may attend put on by Softball Sask.  The League will host a coach’s clinic near the start of the year.    So please don’t hesitate to step up and join the Hustlers coaching ranks!

How do I keep informed?

Teams use the TeamLinkt App extensively for scheduling, allocating duties, Coach/Manager communication and player/parent chat.  Its important to monitor the App.  League standings will also flow through the App this year.

What is the “Jewelry Rule”?


All exposed jewelry must be removed. Exception: medic alert bracelet or chain.

Should anyone cover their ears with tape; the following procedure will be used. The umpire will ask if they are covering jewelry. If they answer yes, then the player must remove it before they can be allowed to play. If they say no then the umpire will let things stand. However, if the tape comes off during the game and jewelry is discovered, the following will be enforced. The player will be removed from the game and the coach who signed the lineup sheet will be ejected. This also may result in additional suspension for the coach.

Other Questions?

Send the Executive an email or ask your Coach/Manager.  We want to hear from you and are here to help!