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jerseys / uniform and Equipment​​​​​​​


U13 & U15  players will be responsible for the cost of one green Hustlers jersey, payable at the time of registration.  The player owns and maintains  the jersey and will be used for the next 4 years.   Should a player require a new jersey at any point in the future, they will be responsible for the cost of the jersey.   At time of registration, the player will select an available jersey number. This will be a one time selection and the player will keep this number through U15.  Odd birth years will select even numbers and even birth years will select odd numbers.  No two players in the same birth year may have the same number. In the future should a player choose to select a different number they will be responsible for the cost of this jersey.   Any team wishing to purchase alternate jerseys will require approval from the Executive.

The first jersey purchased will be subsidized by the zone and will cost the player $60 (any additional purchase will be at full cost).   Players will have the opportunity for jersey sizing at evaluations. 

U11 jerseys will be provided by the zone and will be returned to the zone at the end of the season.  These jerseys will be picked up by the coaches/managers prior to the season and will be collected at the end of the season.  A $75 jersey deposit will be required via e-mail transfer or cheque to team managers.  The Team will return the funds/cheque once the jersey is returned.  

Uniform and Equipment

In addition to the jersey, players are responsible for their own pants (Black), socks (Athletic Gold Yellow) and belts (Athletic Gold Yellow).   Other equipment required and recommended is as follows:

Ball GloveKnee sliderBunnyhug
Black Batting helmet with cage     Batting Gloves
Infield maskUndershirt - refer to team for color

Visor/Hat - refer to team for color

Ball bag or Backpack

If a Player opts to wear a hat/visor it must have the Hustlers logo on it.

Players can purchase Hustler apparel from Al Aderson's Source for Sports, on-line and in the store.   Hustlers Fastball 2025 | Al Anderson's Source for Sports

Al's also has a great selection of equipment and a dedicated sales team that can fit players for gloves, bats, etc.

We also suggest that a player has the following at each game and practice:

  • water bottle
  • sunscreen
  • insect repellant
  • a jacket/sweater
  • sunglasses
  • miscellaneous first aid supplies (i.e. bandages, sports tape etc.)